People have historically worn jewelry as protection or a symbol of faith, and it’s become popular again to wear jewelry with symbolic meaning. Projects in the Fast & Fabulous Spiritual & Inspirational Pattern Pack draw from a wide variety of traditions and feature the lotus, lava beads, Kokopelli, and more. Here are some descriptions of the symbols you’ll find in this pattern pack:

The lotus is one of the most recognizable symbols of enlightenment. The lotus encourages us to dwell in the possibility of beauty, like the lovely flower that grows from muddy water. There’s a famous mantra associated with the lotus that says, “The jewel is in the heart of the lotus.” This is interpreted in many different ways, but one simple meaning is to look deeper, because the most important part of us, or the situation, lies beneath layers and layers.

Lava beads are calming stones that are believed to have grounding qualities. Lave beads are porous, with small indentations all over the surface. You can add a few drops of essential oils to the beads in mindfulness jewelry for aromatherapy effects. Lavender and clary sage are often used for relaxation benefits. Lava beads are often used for prayer malas. When you’re stringing lava beads, use a bead reamer to remove any rough burrs inside the holes.

The mischievous Kokopelli is common throughout the American Southwest and symbolizes luck, passion, and fertility, among other things. When you wear a necklace with Kokopelli at the center, it might remind you to embrace your creativity or lighten up a little. Or, it might be a reminder to take a break from your everyday life and visit the Southwest.

The shape of the mandrake plant’s roots often resemble a human figure, and throughout history the plant has been associated with many ancient myths, legends, rituals, and superstitious practices. It was worn for protection during Biblical times and by the Ancient Greeks during surgery. In the Middle Ages, it was believed to increase fertility.

There are many, many interpretations for the symbolism of feathers. Some people believe that finding a feather means your guardian angel is nearby or that dreaming of feathers symbolizes travel. When you’re making jewelry with a feather charm or pendant, you can choose which concept is most meaningful to you. I like the idea that a single feather represents hope.